10 Best and Worst Things About Coffee

★ COFFEE ★ WINE ★ TEA ★ COFFEE FACTS 10 Best and Worst Things About Coffee

When we think of coffee typically, they imagine its capacity to boost energy levels. But, as per certain studies, it could provide other significant health benefits. The benefits include a lower risk of having liver cancer as well as type 2 diabetes or heart problems.

In the world, experts estimate that people drink around 2.25 billion cups of coffee every day. Researchers have examined the advantages of drinking coffee to treat conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes as well as inflammatory bowel disease, and liver diseases. There is evidence to back some but not all of these claims.

Coffee is rich in beneficial nutrients, such as riboflavin (vitamin B2) as well as Niacin (vitamin B3) magnesium, potassium, and antioxidants, also known as phenolic compounds. Many experts suggest that these and other components found in coffee could aid our bodies in many ways.

This article examines the potential health benefits of drinking coffee as well as the evidence to support these benefits and the potential risks associated with drinking coffee.

A few health benefits from the consumption of coffee include protection from liver diseases, Parkinson’s disease, and cancer of the liver. Coffee consumption could also aid in heart health.

The following sections will discuss the benefits more in specific detail.

★ COFFEE ★ WINE ★ TEA ★ COFFEE FACTS - 10 Best and Worst Things About Coffee 1

Coffee and diabetes

Coffee could help guard against Type 2 Diabetes.

The researchers from 2014 who had gathered information on more than 48,000 people discovered people who tried to increase the amount of coffee intake by at minimum one cup per day for 4 months had an 11 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than the people who didn’t increase their coffee consumption.

A meta-analysis conducted in 2017 found that those who consumed up to six cups of decaffeinated or caffeinated coffee daily appeared to be less likely of developing metabolic syndrome, such as the type 2 form of diabetes.

The coffee drinker and the Parkinson’s illness

Many studies have suggested there is evidence that the caffeine found in coffee as well as a variety of other drinks can help prevent Parkinson’s disease.

A study concluded that people who consume more than 4 cups of coffee every day could be five times less likely to develop of developing Parkinson’s disease than those who don’t.

The 2017 meta-analysis indicated a link to coffee consumption and the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease even in smokers. The study also revealed that those who consume coffee are less likely to be affected by depression as well as cognitive issues like Alzheimer’s disease.

But, there wasn’t enough evidence to support the claim whether drinking decaffeinated coffee aids in preventing Parkinson’s disease.

Reduced cases of chronic liver disease and cancer

In the year 2019, a literature review found that coffee consumption could lower the risk of developing liver cancer.

In 2015, earlier an investigation of a cohort study in an ethnically diverse population from the United States suggested that depending on the amount, drinking 2 to 3 cups of coffee each day decreased the individuals’ chance of developing hepatocellular cancer or chronic liver disease (CLD) to 38 percent and 46% respectively.

The 2017 meta-analysis concluded that drinking any kind of coffee is believed to lower the risk of developing liver cancer as well as nonalcoholic liver disease and cirrhosis. These findings have now been confirmed by a study in 2021 that suggests that drinking all kinds of coffee could provide some protection from CLD.

Find out more about the study of 2021 on coffee and liver disease here.

Coffee and various liver diseases

The people who drink coffee might also be at a lower risk of getting gallstones.

Researchers in 2014 examined coffee consumption in people suffering from primary sclerosing and cholangitis (PSC) as well as primary biliary liver cirrhosis (PBC). These are conditions that cause autoimmune reactions and cause a problem with the bile ducts of the liver.

They discovered that those suffering from PSC had a higher chance to experience lower coffee consumption than those who did not have the condition. There is no evidence that coffee consumption differed between those with and without PBC.

Another study from 2014 found a connection to coffee intake and a lower chance of dying from non-viral hepatitis-related chronic cirrhosis. Researchers recommended having two plus cups of coffee every day may lower the risk by 66%.

Heart health and coffee

The meta-analysis from 2017 concluded that caffeine consumption could be a slight beneficial effect on cardiovascular health such as blood pressure.

In a study from 2018 conducted by researchers, they found that drinking 3 to 5 cups of coffee every day could reduce the risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease by 15 percent. A cup of coffee that is up to five cups a day was also associated with a lower mortality rate overall for any reason.

For those who have had a heart attack drinking coffee is not likely to increase the chance of suffering another heart attack or passing away in the process.

The meta-analysis from 2017 however, also revealed that there could be increased levels of blood cholesterol (fat) along with cholesterol among people who drink more coffee. These chemicals could lead an individual to heart-related issues.

Does decaffeinated coffee provide benefits or risks? Find out more about it here.

Coffee and obesity

There is evidence to suggest the consumption of coffee could help people shed weight. A study published in 2018 suggested that the higher the amount of coffee people consumed the greater their average reduction in body weight as well as the body mass index (BMI) as well as fat weight.

A study in 2019 revealed that drinking coffee could have a small connection with weight loss with a stronger association for males than women. However, these findings haven’t been replicated, which means they might not be conclusive.

While coffee can provide some advantages in the fight against obesity but it’s in no way a replacement for an appropriate diet and working out regularly.

100 milliliters (about 3.3 pounds) of black coffee (without cream or milk) contains fewer calories. It’s about one coffee cup. It is a cup that contains black coffee that has only 2 calories. But the addition of sugar or cream will boost calories.

Coffee beans also have polyphenols, which are a form of antioxidant. Antioxidants are able to shield your body from damaging free radicals. Free radicals are a kind of waste product the body naturally produces due to certain processes.

Free radicals are toxic substances in the body and can cause inflammation. Researchers have discovered that inflammation is linked to various elements of metabolic syndrome including type 2 obesity and diabetes.

In 2018, researchers claimed that the antioxidants of coffee could offer protection against metabolic syndrome.

Although researchers have proven that certain chemicals are found within coffee beans, it’s not clear the fate of these compounds when they get into the human body.

Consuming a large amount of coffee could also cause negative consequences . They could be the following:

Bone fractures

Certain studies suggest that women who consume an excessive amount of coffee could be at risk of having a higher risk of breaking bones.

Men who consume a greater coffee consumption, on the other hand, are believed to be at less risk.

Complications during pregnancy

The consumption of coffee might be unsafe during pregnancy. There is some evidence suggesting that there is a connection between the consumption of high coffee consumption and loss of pregnancy and low birth weight and preterm birth.


There could be a higher risk of developing endometriosis in women who consume coffee however there’s no evidence to prove an association.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

People who consume often coffee might be at a more heightened risk of contracting this disease.


Consuming large amounts of caffeine could increase anxiety risk in particular for those suffering from social anxiety or panic disorder. In less frequent instances, caffeine can cause psychosis or mania for those who are at risk.

Mental health issues

A study conducted in 2016 concluded that a large intake of caffeine during the adolescent years can cause permanent brain changes.

The researchers behind the study expressed their concern that this might increase the likelihood of developing anxiety-related disorders as we age.

Exposure to harmful substances

A study in 2015 revealed that a team of researchers discovered significant amounts of mycotoxins found in commercial coffee. Mycotoxins are harmful substances that can cause harm to coffee as natural products.

Many people are concerned that acrylamide, another chemical that is found in coffee is a risky chemical. Find out more.

There are adverse effects with certain medicines, such as thyroid medications, psychiatric medications heartburn medications, as well as antibiotics

Possible loss of the spinal bone for women who consume greater than 300 milligrams (mg) every day and who don’t take insufficient calcium.

Although caffeine consumption can bring certain advantages, it is possible to be negative effects one drinks excessive amounts of it. The side effects could include:

* Gastrointestinal problems

* An rise in blood pressure

An increased chance of Myocardial Ischemia, which is a form of heart disease, when one drinks coffee when exercising.

* Fertility issues

• negative effects on a growing fetus like the birth weight being low or if someone drinks an excessive amount of coffee in pregnancy

*irritability and insomnia in nursing infants, when one drinks coffee during lactation

* dehydration, however, it isn’t definitive and could be due to excessive consumption of caffeine

* worsened symptoms associated with mental health issues such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

* a higher likelihood of suicide

* Coffee-specific diseases that comprise:

The two drinks coffee and tea are both caffeine-rich which means they share similar advantages, dangers as well as side effects.

Although there is a certain amount of caffeine contained in the various beverages, it can vary based on the kind or type of coffee as well as tea in general an 8-ounce cup of coffee has about 95 milligrams of caffeine. Similar-sized tea cups made of black tea and green tea have just 28 and 48 mg of caffeine, respectively.

There could be some variations regarding how using tea as well as coffee could affect different individuals depending on the type of beverages they prefer and the amount of it they drink.

According to a study from 2018 which compared the benefits on the body coffee and tea the benefits that are different are as following:

Coffee may decrease the risk of death from cancer and heart disease particularly in women.

Coffee can also reduce the chance of dying from respiratory disease particularly in males.

Women who drink just coffee or even 40% tea might be the most likely to suffer from various ailments, however, women who consume greater amounts of tea could be more susceptible to death.

Tea could reduce the chance of dying from cancer and heart disease particularly in males.

Additionally, those who consume 30-50% of tea could have the lowest risk of dying when compared to those who consume coffee.

The main conclusion of the research is that coffee as well as tea each have benefits that differ depending on how much they are consumed. These advantages may differ between both genders. The different impact of coffee according to sex could be due to the way coffee influences sex hormones.

The meta-analysis of 2017 concluded that it’s “generally healthy” for the majority of people to consume between three and four cups of coffee every day and that it could reduce the risk of some diseases.

The authors of the study warned smoking could negate the benefits that come from drinking coffee.

Caffeine is a key component of coffee however, coffee is a mixture of many different compounds and there are many methods to drink it. This makes it hard to know precisely how coffee impacts a person’s health and what components are beneficial and dangerous.

Someone who would like to benefit through coffee consumption should limit the recommended daily intake and should be mindful of the ingredients they include -like sugar cream, flavorings, and sugar because they may not be beneficial for health.

People who are pregnant and susceptible to bone fractures might want to stay clear of coffee.

By ADMIN@CoffeeWineTea.com

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